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Focus and Scope
We are interested in topics which relate generally to Law issues in Indonesia and around the world. Articles submitted might cover topical issues is discuss the phenomenon of corruption and anti-corruption with the scope of specific research / study topics, including the following:
- Handling corruption cases, Money Laundering, gratification, corporate criminal, asset recovery, and examination of judicial decisions.
- Corruption in the executive, legislative and judiciary, both at central and regional levels
- Corruption in the natural resources, infrastructure, food, health, education and other public services sectors
- Issues of transparency and public participation
- Eradication of corruption based on religion, culture and local wisdom
- Corruption reporting in mass media and social media
- Anti-corruption education and campaigns
- The organization, performance and work of the KPK.
- Comparison of handling corruption between institutions and between countries.
- The impact of corruption, ranging from economic, social, political, bureaucratic-governance, legal, psychological, cultural and other aspects.
- The use of technology in combating corruption.
- Historical aspects and the development of corruption and anti-corruption movements